The Bistrô


The Amazônia is the third generation of dedicated restaurants to the paraense culinária of root, under the direction of Pablo Leite, descending of the Tucupi, that functioned in the Beautiful Cintra, 1551, in the Gardens, of 1995 the 2002, and the Stamp, who functioned in the Beautiful Cintra 468, of 2002 the 2005. The Amazônia was inaugurated in 2008, in the Street Rui Barbosa, 206, in the charmoso quarter of the Beautiful Sight, the Bixiga, gastronômico quarter par excellence of São Paulo.

Paul Leite is paraense of Belém, and inhabits in São Paulo has 35 years. Compound of actor and restauranteur, vei for São Paulo in strool and never more left in the here, as as much others that if had enchanted for this city. The passion for the cook and the homesickness of the kitchen of the land had stimulated it to open a restaurant that could present to the natives of São Paulo the only flavors of the Amazonian kitchen.
Pleasant, to put deloused, the Amazônia offers a intent and careful service. It comes to know the only flavors of the true paraense kitchen in a confort environment in the best food heart of São Paulo.
Opened every day for lunch, and of fourth a sunday it supper. To Saturdays, sundays and holidays, beyond the service to there carte, we serve in the lunch the Buffet celebrity of the Seven Classics, Duck in the Tucupi, Peixada, Caranguejada, Maniçoba, Vatapá of Pará, Caruru, Pirarucu. Of second a fourth our restaurant is to its disposal for events.

Paul Leite, proprietor of the Amazônia
Opened every day for lunch, and of fourth a sunday it supper. To Saturdays, sundays and holidays, beyond the service to there carte, we serve in the lunch the Buffet celebrity of the Seven Classics, Duck in the Tucupi, Peixada, Caranguejada, Maniçoba, Vatapá of Pará, Caruru, Pirarucu. Of second a fourth our restaurant is to its disposal for events.
It enters in contact to make its reserve in the telephones (11) 3142-9264 or 9121-6196 or it fills form speaks with us.

We accept all the cards.